About Us

We are family owned and operated company, based in Middle Tennessee.  The idea grew out of a drive to help fix the world around us, combined with a necessity to feed our family.  We are told that supply chains are still an issue, driving up inflation.  We are told natural habitats and species are disappearing at alarming rates.   We are told that the planet is heating up due to our carbon footprints.  I often thought, I am only one person, what can I do to help fix the damage to an entire planet?

Growing up, we gardened out of necessity.  I carried that knowledge into adulthood.  As an adult I spent as much time gardening as I did maintaining my yard and decided to tie those two together in a way that benefited the local flora, fauna, and my food budget.  Long gone are the days of fertilizers and chemical treatments in my yard.  We have started the process of transforming our yard into our private oasis, and while we are not yet complete, we already produce enough to sustain ourselves throughout the summer and fall. 

For the past decade I have spent my life working in the construction industry, running a wide variety of projects ranging in scope from agriculture plants to multifamily renovations.   I have managed projects in upwards of 18 million dollars per project, and at times ran over 300 million dollars worth of work all over the country.  Now I want to put all this experience together to benefit the community, and the environment. Edibuild, is both a licensed landscaper and licensed home improvement contractor. Our desire is to help everyone become more self sustainable in a way that benefits the environment.