
“God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.”

– Francis Bacon 

Raised Garden Beds

Our raised garden beds are built from cedar for their natural rot and insect resistance.  Prior to setting our boxes, we remove the existing top layer of grass and install a biodegradable, nutrient enhancing, all natural barrier.  We then set all of our corners with 4x4 posts at least 12" in the ground to ensure no moving or premature failure of your garden boxes.  Once completed, the frames are filled with a mixture of half compost and half screened top soil.  There are built 4' wide, 11 1/2" tall, and in lengths customized to fit your space.  

Layered Gardens

To maintain more nutrients in your soil for a longer period of time, try a layered garden.  These gardens have the benefit of using the existing vegetation as nutrients by decomposing the vegetation in place.  Using our raised garden frames, we set our posts, but leave the topsoil and vegetation in place to serve as the first layer of decomposition.  After this, we install a biodegradable, nutrient enhancing, all natural barrier as the second layer.  In the 5 layer garden we then install a layer of mulch, a layer of compost, and a layer of garden soil.  In the 7 layer garden, we start with the same two base layers, but we then install a layer of wood wood to serve as the core for decomposition.   The wood we use is hand selected to make sure no cedar, black walnut, or black locust makes it into the core.  We follow this layer up with a layer of mulch, a layer of straw or leaves, a layer of compost, and finally a layer of garden soil.    These gardens have the benefit of not needing to be turned every year, however they will naturally compress overtime as the layers decompose. 

Hügelkultur Gardens

A German word meaning hill culture, or mound culture, these gardens are much like the layered gardens.  The main difference is that these gardens are dug into a pit, the wood is placed in the pit, then the layers are added to make a mound.  These gardens are often to large to fit in a garden box, but because of the pit, they are able to retain moisture for far longer then an average garden bed.  When it rains, the water seeps to the pit, where the logs absorb it and retain it.  They make a great solution to a low water area.  These garden have the potential to release nutrients into the soil for over 20 years, without the need for tilling or adding fertilizers.  

Custom Garden Centers

Have something specific in mind?  Give us a call to help and we can help make your vision a reality!

Compost Stations

What do you do when the plastic compost barrel is no longer enough?   We have cost effective solutions to your needs.  Give us a call today! 615-504-1096

Green Houses