Land Management

“Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.”

—Franklin D. Roosevelt 

Did you recently purchase some land and need someone to help cut a road through the woods for your future home site?

Do you need someone to help clear for your future home site?

Do you have a section of your existing property that has a dense underbrush growth that needs removed?  

We are here to help!  With our knowledge of the local fauna, we can help guide you to remove only the vegetation that is absolutely necessary, saving you money and reducing your environmental impact.  Of course, there are times when it all needs to go, and we understand that too.  We offer standard services to help you manage your land as well as a unique service designed to improve the health of the natural environment of your property.  

Standard Services

Undergrowth & Underbrush Removal

Clear Cutting

Site Preparation

Unique Services

Native Land Restoration: 

We identify and remove all non native and invasive vegetation on your developed or undeveloped lot and in it's place we plant native vegetation, in order to improve the quality, quantity, and diversity of wildlife.  This process also helps to reverse some of the ecological damage people have done over the centuries by reducing the amount of competition for native species, increasing their chances of survival.    

Call for a quote today! 615-648-7001